ITC 2000 Challenge 3 Supplement: Scrum Simulation

Students of Northeastern University’s Information Technology Princ Systems Analysis/Design course will engage in lesson of designing a security system for an organization. They will need to develop many design documents to bring their concept to life. One of those documents is a Scrum Plan. My team developed a simulated Scrum Plan that gives students the opportunity to see and understand the proper ways to manage Scrum process. This was designed as supplementary learning to assist in the students assigned deliverables.

In the simulation, the student plays the role of the Scrum Master for a development team that plans to produce a highly intuitive scheduling system. They update a daily plan during the course of a simulated week.

This allows the users to experience the failfast process of Scrum and learn how to catch product issues early.
As a Scrum Master, the student assign their dev team daily roles and speak with their devs individually about issues they may have had and their plans moving forward.

The Scrum Master receive daily results of the failures and accomplishments of their dev team. There is a list of product failures that the Scrum Master must address and manage their devs roles to reduce the failures as much as possible.


  • Teaching the student self-organization and cross-functionality amongst a development team.
  • Helping the Development Team to create high-value products.
  • Minimizing failures to the Development Team’s progress.
  • Facilitating Scrum events as requested or needed.


Animation illustrating time passing during simulation:

My contribution:

Project Manager
Lead Designer
Motion Graphic Artist